Miriam received her Masters of Arts degree with a Major in Expressive Arts Therapy and a Minor in Psychology, cum laude, in 2000 as well as her Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies in Research, Leadership & Training in Expressive Arts Therapy, Education and Consulting in 2003 from the European Graduate School in Leuk, Switzerland. Miriam obtained her Graduate Diploma in Conflict Resolution from Carleton University in Canada in 2013. Miriam is a member of the Association of Conflict Resolution [ACR] , the International Coaching Federation [ICF] and the Bermuda Counsellors Association. Miriam received her Certificate as a Certified Divorce Coach CDC Coaching from the CDC Certified Divorce Coaching College, Florida. U.S.A. in 2015.
As a certified collaborative coach, Miriam specializes in working with people who are involved in high- conflict situations and helps them work through their separation and divorce and provide them with being able to maintain their dignity and grace; have less conflict and work towards creating mutual agreements outside of the courts. In doing this, they will be more productive at work, have less stress, and save money. At present, Miriam is focused on supporting clients in their life transitions by using collaborative coaching, in order for the client to achieve their best results.